TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

CH-QUAT represents a connection point for scientists from different research and applied areas that deal with the Quaternary in particular examining the aspects of human, environment and climate.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore


The Swiss Society for Quaternary Research CH-QUAT is open for all who are interested in Quaternary Research. The mission of CH-QUAT is to provide a platform for communication and knowledge exchange between researchers who work with Quaternary topics. The leading theme of our activities is Mankind-Environment-Climate. Our society is dedicated to establishing interdisciplinary research networks within Switzerland and to extending our connections with organizations abroad. In collaboration with the Swiss Academy of Sciences (scnat) a dialog between science, practice and the society is reinforced. One of the most important tasks of our society is to support the new generations of scientists dedicated to the Quaternary.


  • Annual meetings
  • Multi-day excursions
  • Establishing working groups for specific research themes
  • Discussing and establishing recommendations for ethical scientific conduct
  • Planning of courses for continued education in specific areas of Quaternary research
  • Organization of talks on Quaternary topics for the public
  • Awarding of travel stipends for young researchers to participate in international conferences and for fieldwork


Swiss Society for Quaternary Research (CH-QUAT)
c/o Dr Marc Luetscher
Rue de la Serre 68
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds