TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

CH-QUAT represents a connection point for scientists from different research and applied areas that deal with the Quaternary in particular examining the aspects of human, environment and climate.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

CH-QUAT Meeting 2014

Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Swiss Foreland


08:30 - 16:00


Universität Bern
Institut für Geologie
Baltzerstrasse 1+3
3012 Bern

Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Swiss Foreland

CH-QUAT Meeting 2017: Posters
Image: Christine Pümpin

The theme of the meeting was the Quaternary evolution of the Swiss Alpine Foreland with a special focus on the sedimentary archives and on the reconstruction of their chronology.

The goal was to provide an update on the ongoing research on these archives, especially on the efforts on dating these by applying different techniques/approaches. Therefore, we allocated time for the talks to the invited speakers from universities, governmental institutions and private companies.

In addition to the invited talks, students (BSc/MSc/PhD) and young scientists, presented their ongoing research in the poster session.

CH-QUAT Meeting 2014
CH-QUAT Meeting 2014


  • Geology